The Missions and Outreach Committee at Grace Covenant leads the church in seeking to fulfill Christ’s commandment to love our neighbors in the community and the world. We seek to promote peace and understanding, feed the hungry, house the homeless, clothe the impoverished, and lend a helping hand to those in need.
Grace Covenant is a member of the Interfaith Forum of the Upstate and regularly participates in local events allowing us to get to know more about our neighbors of other faiths.
Grace Covenant offers many ways to get involved in missions and outreach. Some of these opportunities include:
Serving on one of our three teams that provide monthly meals at the Triune Mercy Center
Participating in our annual summer food drive
Volunteering with the annual Faith Coalition Build in support of Habitat for Humanity
Helping host homeless families through our partnership with Eastminster Presbyterian Church and the Interfaith Hospitality Network
Going on a mission trip to help those in need. Most recently, we traveled to Columbia, SC to help rebuild homes destroyed by Hurricane Matthew
Donating clothing to support our annual winter clothing drive
Joining in the fun with our Acoustic Jam group. Grace Covenant members and friends from the community come together the last Friday of each month to share their musical talents
If you’d like more information about ways to get involved with our missions and outreach ministry, please call the church office at (864) 288-3951.