Thank you for taking time to discover more about this community of faith.  Grace Covenant is a Christ centered community of people who are brought together to know and serve God by growing spiritually, worshiping joyfully, and sharing God’s love with everyone we meet.  We believe our name says it all: that God in Jesus Christ is all about the lasting covenant of grace.  We sin and fall short, but God is steadfast in his forgiveness and mercy.  We make mistakes, but God’s love is wider than the worst we do.  God is love and God knows each of us by name. 

We affirm God’s love and mercy through the celebration of the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of each month.  Communion is also served at special times throughout the church year including Christmas Eve, Maundy Thursday, and Easter Sunday.

Grace Covenant is a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A).  The church is led by the pastor and a representative council for the congregation called the Session.  The Session is composed in those persons elected by the congregation to active service as ruling elders.  The Session and pastor govern the church, seeking God’s will together through faithful prayer and thoughtful discernment.

If you would like to discuss matters of life and faith, or learn more about what we believe, we invite you to contact Rev. Patricia (Trish) Gwinn at or by calling the church office at (864) 288-3951. 

The presence of children in worship is a gift to the Church, so be assured that children are welcome at Grace Covenant!  Children ages preschool through 5th grade enjoy a special time with the pastor during worship when they are invited to the front of the church to learn more about the day’s focus in sermon and scripture.  “Bible Bags” are provided during worship containing activities for children.  We offer a “Children’s Church” program for K3-K5 ages and a staffed nursery for infants–K2.  Our nursery staff are trained and certified in CPR, AED, and First Aid.  The nursery is located within easy access to the sanctuary and looks out over what we call the “Greeting Room”, offering an open and pleasing environment for children.

To be faithful to the command of Christ, as well as our baptismal vows, Grace Covenant has instituted a “Safe Place Policy”, seeking to provide a safe and secure environment for all persons, especially children and youth.  As such, the policy applies to all persons including Grace Covenant employees and volunteers participating in all children and youth programs of Grace Covenant, including but not limited to: Sunday school classes, Children’s Church, Nurseries and Child Care, and Vacation Bible School.  All Grace Covenant employees and volunteers undergo background checks, receive training as regards the “Safe Place Policy” and the appropriate techniques for supervising and chaperoning church activities involving children and youth.

If you would like more information about Grace Covenant’s “Safe Place Policy” or our ministry to children, please contact the church office at (864) 288-3951. 

 Visitors to Grace Covenant can access our campus from the main entrance at 739 North Main Street or our side entrance off Knollwood Drive.  The parking lot has two levels, both within easy distance to the church buildings.  There are ample handicap parking spaces and two marked parking spaces reserved for visitors.

The main entrance to the sanctuary is located off of what we call the “Greeting Room” – an area where we gather before and after worship to greet one another and enjoy fellowship together.  To access the Greeting Room, follow the sidewalk flanked by flower beds to the glassed-in area.  You will be greeted at the door and the sanctuary is located to your left. 

Our greeters and ushers are there to help you locate restrooms, the nursery, and to answer any questions you may have about the worship service.  We are happy to have you visiting with us at Grace Covenant and hope you feel welcomed!

At Grace Covenant, you’ll see everything from jeans to suits and ties, from dresses to shorts.  While our worship service is what most would call “traditional” and “formal”, our dress code is all over the map.  Come dressed in whatever makes you feel comfortable. 

One thing we do ask – please do not bring food or beverages into the sanctuary.  Coffee and tea are provided in the Greeting Room, so please enjoy them there before or after worship.  Thank you!